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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { const container = document.querySelector(".video-container"); const heading = document.getElementById("dynamic-heading"); const API_KEY = "AIzaSyCX2TTKcjQ83YSiXcee2rdrAbKPTfeTGo8"; const defaultCountry = "US"; // Default to United States const categories = ["Music", "Gaming", "News", "Entertainment"]; // Add more as needed const countries = ["US", "IN", "BR", "RU", "GB"]; // Add the top 50 YouTube user countries const maxResults = 9; // Adjust as needed function fetchVideos(country = defaultCountry, category = "Entertainment") { let categoryEncoded = encodeURIComponent(category); let url = `,statistics&chart=mostPopular®ionCode=${country}&maxResults=${maxResults}&key=${API_KEY}`; heading.innerHTML = `Most Viewed ${category} YouTube Video in the Last 24 Hours in ${country}`; fetch(url) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { container.innerHTML = ""; if (data.items.length === 0) { container.innerHTML = "

No videos found.

"; return; } data.items.forEach((video, index) => { let videoId =; let videoTitle = video.snippet.title; let videoUrl = `${videoId}`; let channelTitle = video.snippet.channelTitle; let viewCount = video.statistics.viewCount; let categoryLink = `/most-viewed-${categoryEncoded}-videos-${country}/`; let videoCard = `


Channel: ${channelTitle}

Views: ${new Intl.NumberFormat().format(viewCount)}

More ${category} videos from ${country}
`; container.innerHTML += videoCard; // Ad slot after every 3 videos if ((index + 1) % 3 === 0) { container.innerHTML += `


`; } }); }) .catch((error) => console.error("Error fetching videos:", error)); } // Fetch videos for default country and category on load fetchVideos(); });